As I am working on this project on my own for now, I have only created a Wunderlist board to keep track of the tasks I want to implement. Below you can see the current state.
Free Planning Poker is an open-source project, and I am always happy to receive contributions from the community. If you want to help, feel free reach out to me or to create a pull request on GitHub.
If you have any feature suggestions or want to report a bug, feel free to use the contact form or create an issue on GitHub.
V7: Room Backend scalable
Upgrade Ably WS lib
Ongoing: Increase visibility
Improve Readme
Enhanche Contribution
Switch to next-sitemap
V9: Room PW protected
V9: Implement final decision
V9: Implement votes for kicking users
Search console stats in analytics
Ably usage in analytics
Checkly with Playwright E2E test
Setup Jest and SonarCov
Light/Dark mode switch
change donation to BuyMeACofee
Look into Sentry for NextJs deeply
ToDoist write integration
In Progess
DB backup
V5: Go back to Room Button
V6: More sidebar features for Room
BUG number not rounded
ORDER Votes in example amount and then creasing in size
Create a 404page
V5: Analytics Improvements
V5: Improve other pages
V5: Main Navigation
V4 : New Landingpage
Upgrade to Node20
CI & Code Quality Improvements
V3: Room improvements
V2: Redis RoomState & Analytics
Refactor: Prisma to Drizzle ORM
increase SEO & Lighthouse on all pages
Upstash redis ratelimiter
Sentry integration
SonarCloud and lint in CI
ToDoist read integration